Adept AI: Advance General Intelligence Lab AI Frameworks Platforms Technology What is Adept? Adept AI is a research and development lab that seeks to advance general intelligence by allowing humans…Free
Portafix: Supply Chain Solution Technology What is Portafix? Portafix is a supply chain solution that focuses on fasteners, fixings, and consumables. With over 30 years…Free
Pelsee: Advanced Driver Assistance System Technology What is Pelsee? Pelsee is a leading brand in the dashcam industry, known for its dedication to quality, innovation, and…Free
Layer Zero Technology What is layer zero? LayerZero is an interoperability protocol that allows messages to be transferred seamlessly between user applications across…Free
Easypost: The Complete Shipping Solution Technology What is Easypost? EasyPost is a multi-carrier shipping solution that simplifies online shopping experiences. It offers a shipping API that…Freemium
ZeroAvia: Redefining Flight with Hydrogen-Electric Innovation Technology What is ZeroAvia? ZeroAvia is a company focused on developing hydrogen-electric powertrain technology for aviation. Their goal is to create…Free